Mein Weihnachtsgruß


Ich wünsche Ihnen und Ihrer Familie ein frohes und besinnliches Weihnachtsfest sowie für das neue Jahr vor allem Gesundheit, Freude und Erfolg. Auch im neuen Jahr werde ich Sie auf meiner Internetseite über meine Arbeit als Bezirksverordneter auf dem Laufenden halten.



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I am the mom of a 4 year old with SPD. I feel so alone with no help. His OT stopped seenig him saying he is doing great. We have so many problems with him I have so much trouble understanding what is wrong with him. It is so confusing to me and my husband both. You would think he has ADHD but I can see from everything I read it is SPD. He is like a child on speed most of the day. Hates being dirty, hates tags in his clothes,very picky eater but is really getting better with that. Hates loud noises unless he is making them. Cannot sit still at all while eating,he is very social after he warms up, Cries a lot, hates flushing toliets, he is all over the place and I think that is why we have so much trouble finding the right Sensory Diet for him.After a bad weekend I am just frustrated and tired and don't know what to do. Thank you for letting me vent.

Autor: Rosa, Datum: 24.02.2013, 12:58 Uhr


I had a tubal 5 years ago as I thought I was done hivnag children. I have since meet a very wonderful man and we will be getting married next year. My children are 13 & 5, Brian has no children of his own and I'd love to be able to have one with him. The problem is I've had a tube and ovary removed (both on the same side). Is it still possible to have a reversal on the one tube I have left?

Autor: Maximiliano, Datum: 21.02.2013, 19:35 Uhr


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